Inspired by a childhood game, Burger Zang

I made the art with `Aesprite`. 

Created with `Love2D`

Built with love.js

Other External Components  Used:

The background music: Blithe, from the City Date BGM Album,

The font used for things such as the Title, Timer, Score: Nico Pixel Fonts Pack,

Tried out this library to colour my texts and things such as underline: SYSL-Text,

SFX: FilmCow Royalty Free Sound Effects Library


If this window is left unattended for a while, the game will not be playable.  In this case, please Refresh the page to continue the game.

Development log


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Neat game, but the images can be a little misleading.

This is a picture of bun, tomato and lettuce. To me I see bun, tomato, tomato and lettuce.